

Before the invention of writing, people living in Anatolia tried to meet their basic communication needs in some way. In this process, they conveyed or...

Before the invention of writing, people living in Anatolia tried to meet their basic communication needs in some way. In this process, they conveyed or tried to convey their feelings and thoughts through art. Turks, who are one of the oldest tribes in the world according to archaeological and historical documents, are the inventors of carpets, rugs and similar weaving techniques. Colors in Anatolian rugs are always extracted from the roots, leaves or seeds of various plants. For example, red color is made of red pine bark; from yellow, saffron and spurge plant; from brown, thuja, oak and walnut leaves; green, mint; The black color is extracted from sumac by boiling.


The colors on the rugs express emotions. While some colors used in rugs express longing, some colors also express complaints. The colors that the weaver chooses to use are directly proportional to the story she wants to tell and the message she wants to give.

• Black: mourning, sadness; show...

• Red: Passion, energy...

• Yellow: Fear, anxiety; sometimes positive feelings...

• Blue: Hope, serenity, confidence, serenity...

• Green: Life, excitement, vitality and vigor, wealth..

• White: Purity, cleanliness...

• Purple: Elegance and elegance...