The aim of these provisions is to determine the terms of use for all natural and corporate identities buying a product from the website through being a  member or non-member, and/or those who earn the name "user" by using the site even if they do not buy a product from the site, and to organize the privacy of the data shared mutually between Anita Şavul and the Users (“User”) for the time period during which Users benefit from the services on the website (Site/Website) on the address www.anistudio.co and/or its application. These Privacy provisions are also an integral part of the Distant Sales Contract concluded with the User.
Anita Şavul, including these provisions, reserves the right to amend at her sole descretion  any information appearing on this website without prior notice, to add or delete any knowledge, to suspend the website tempororily or shut it off completely for purpose of renewing, developing, etc the  website. Any change made by Anita Şavul on Website will be considered in effect at the time it is published.
All kinds of information, drawing, text, visual, data, database, sound on Website and processing, dublicating, spreading and including publicising, not limited to this  ,relative to all kinds of other elements, all intelectual and industrial rights of property belong to Anita Şavul and may not be used in any commercial way and for other purposes . In this extent, information, visuals and contents on Website, may not be partially or totally copied, distributed, duplicated may not be given to the use of third parties, may not be changed or its likes, may not be constituted as causing confusion without prior written consent of Anita Şavul. All other rights of Anita Şavul which are not openly indicated in this Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are reserved.                         
User when using Website agrees and undertakes to act in accordance with regulations in force and with regulations that may go in effect in the future and agrees and undertakes to accept all rules and declarations of Anita Şavul including these provisions. All kinds of administrative, legal, penal and financial responsibily arising from use of Website in defiance of these regulations are on User, Anita Şavul may recourse to User for all losses she may face. In this extent, User accepts that he/she will not reach without authorisation through hacking and other illegal ways to any part, extension of Website or to any relative servers  and accepts that he/she will not violate any security measure in coverage of Website.In case the rules are violated Anita Şavul reserves the right of blocking User's reach to the Website without any notice.
Anita Şavul undertakes to take good care of Website security. Website may include links to third party sites and applicaitons, and those site and applications cannot be controlled by Anita Şavul. Anita Şavul is not in any way responsible for information and elements on said sites and applications.
The responsibility of information given by the User to the Website is on the User. Anita Şavul shall not make public to third parties the contents transmitted by the Users other than the aims and scope determined under Distant Sales Contract made by the Users. In this sense, Anita Şavul undertakes to keep private and secret contents confidential, consider this as a secrecy obligation and watch over and take necessary measures to prevent some or all of secret information to be public or be used without authorization or be exposed to third parties.
Personal information of users; can be used, processed, stored and transferred to third parties in order to communicate / contact with the User, to positively affect / improve the User's experience on the Site (such as maintenance and support for services, updating, improving existing services, creating new services and providing personalized services), as well as to create a database, to continue membership and to perform other activities required for the provision of Anita Şavul's services to the User, in accordance with the legislation.
In case the User gives consent to Anita Şavul, members payments, invoice issuance and processing, maintaining the bank integration, external applicaitons  which the User approves and for the purposes such as direct marketing , within the framework the User permits, contents may be processed, saved by Anita Şavul and/or her partners and may be transferred to third parties to provide the services the User demands.
Anita Şavul, through anonymising the usage and processing information realised by the User on the Website, may save, process and transform them to business partners within the period necessary for these aims to be realised; with statistical evaluations, performance evaluations, in Anita Şavul and business partners’ marketing compaigns and donation compaigns, to be used in annual reports and similar reports.
Information received from the Users who filled the questionnaire on the Website and for Users who approve personal data be processed, may be used by Anita Şavul for the purpose of realising marketing directly , to make statistical analysis and to constitute a database.
For the definition and resolution of technical problems within the System, when necessary, Anita Şavul may get to be in a position to  determine IP address of the User and to use it. IP addresses may as well be used to define the User generally and to gather detailed demographic information.
If the below mentioned conditions are present, Anita Şavul may as well share the information about the User with third parties.
-If performance of commitments within the context of Sales Contract exposition becomes obligatory.
-If information about the Users is demanded by any Authorised Administration and judicial institution for a proper research or investigation that is being carried out.
- When it is necessary to give information to protect the rights and security of the Users.
The Clarification Text on Personal Data is present on the Website.
This Terms of Use and Privacy Policy shall be subject to the laws of Turkish Republic. In case of any demands and disputes regarding these provisions directed to Anita Şavul, İzmir Courts and Execution Offices shall be authorised.